Course Objectives

  • Like Goldilocks quest for porridge that is neither too hot or too cold, so is the issue of things "prophetic". Some Christians have been taught that prophets don't exist any more, confusing their role as solely "the recording of Scripture." Others make prophets little more than psychic prognosticators, falsely thinking that if a prediction is accurate that God is endorsing the person who gave the prediction--not so. Some ignore the value of the gift of the Spirit of common prophecy and others worship it. This six-session course is a video condensation of my book of the same name. The burden in this book and video series is not to give techniques of how to "access the supernatural." It is not about the gifts of the Spirit. It is about understanding the matter in a grace-based and New Covenant perspective. It is about understanding those who are configured and gifted prophetically so that interpersonal relationships and expression in the community of faith can be beneficial to all.  Here are what some have said:
  • I was moved to tears by the heartbeat of God for his people that resounds on page after page.
  • I have never read anything that so accurately described myself to me before this book.
  • If you want to perpetuate the Charismatic dysfunction ubiquitous on the Christian landscape, this book is definitely not for you. 
  • After reading this book, I felt like I had just climbed up to a vantage point where the Swiss Alps were spread out panoramically before my eyes.
  • I feel like I have been put in touch with my Creator for the first time.
  • For the first time, I don't feel like there is something wrong with me.
  • This material has transformed my marriage. I now understand my husband for the first time.


  • 6 lessons